Honeywell's Low-Carbon Smart Building Research Institute was established in Shanghai

Create Date: 2024-8-30 12:03:23|Source: Honeywell/Honeywell

Honeywell recently announced the establishment of the "Honeywell Low-Carbon Smart Building Research Institute" in Shanghai and held a launching ceremony.

As another important step in Honeywell's sustainability efforts, the institute will focus on advancing the development and application of proven low-carbon technologies in the construction sector to meet the growing demand for sustainability and digitalization in the construction industry.

Energy conservation and emission reduction in the building sector cannot be delayed. According to a report released by the United Nations Environment Programme at COP27, in 2021, the building and construction industry accounted for more than 34% of global energy demand; This accounts for around 37 percent of CO2 emissions related to energy consumption and processes.

Energy conservation and emission reduction in the building industry has become an important part of achieving the 'dual carbon' goal, and Honeywell is honored to join forces with all parties to establish the Low-Carbon Smart Building Research Institute to accelerate the implementation of technological innovation and mature solutions, and help the industry achieve digital transformation and sustainable development."

We are committed to building the Institute into an important platform for cooperation and exchange between Honeywell and enterprises, industry organizations, scientific research institutions, capital markets and other partners in the field of smart buildings, so as to create a low-carbon, smart and sustainable future.

——Yu Feng, President of Honeywell China, President of Honeywell Low Carbon Intelligent Building Research Institute

Honeywell's low-carbon smart building research institute pays close attention to the five major areas of building IoT, advanced energy saving, flexible energy consumption, digital intelligent operation and cross-system integration, and uses Honeywell's innovative products and mature solutions as the engine to help the transformation and upgrading of China's construction field.

With the core idea of open innovation and integration of advantageous resources, the institute invites a number of experts in the field of construction to serve as special consultants, and cooperates with leading enterprises in the industrial chain as the first batch of specially invited strategic ecological partners to create joint solutions, and is committed to building a cooperative ecosystem for the low-carbon and intelligent development of the construction industry.
Honeywell's Low-Carbon Smart Building Research Institute was established in Shanghai
As a practitioner and enabler of sustainable development, Honeywell is committed to helping owners create a healthier, safer and more sustainable building environment on the basis of ensuring the efficiency of building operations through solutions that integrate software and hardware, strong and weak electricity, and cloud-edge.

The establishment of the Low-Carbon Smart Building Research Institute will better bring together the advantages of all parties to jointly create localized smart building solutions and accelerate the low-carbon smart transformation of China's construction industry.

——Jiao Wang, General Manager of China Digital Business of Honeywell Intelligent Building Technology Group, Executive Director of Honeywell Low Carbon Intelligent Building Research Institute

With the wave of digitalization, the Internet of Everything is also accelerating the transformation to the intelligent connection of all things. When the digital industrial revolution begins to infiltrate the construction and real estate industry, the digital transformation of building space is also taking place. Tencent Cloud is committed to becoming a digital assistant for all walks of life and promoting the integration of data and reality.

As a solid partner of Honeywell in China, we are honored to witness the birth of Honeywell's low-carbon smart building research institute. We hope that the institute can attract wisdom and talents, form a first-class think tank to promote the low-carbon transformation of China's construction industry, and lead the transformation of carbon reduction and smart buildings.

——Wan Chao, Vice President of Tencent Cloud, Head of Tencent Digital Twin Business, Distinguished Consultant of Honeywell Low-Carbon Intelligent Building Research Institute

Honeywell has a long history of improving its own environmental and sustainability performance, and the company has extensive experience in sustainability, energy conservation and emission reduction.

In 2021, more than 60% of Honeywell's global sales revenue came from helping customers solve global environmental, social and governance challenges, and about 60% of new product development was based on improving customers' environmental performance and social performance. In 2021, Honeywell committed to achieving carbon neutrality across all operations and facilities by 2035.

In China, Honeywell is also committed to its commitment to sustainability. The Honeywell Low-Carbon Smart Building Research Institute will be another important carrier and booster for the company to fulfill its commitment to sustainable development in China.

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