Pilz: New rope pull switch - Mini model is more economical

Create Date: 2024-8-30 12:03:23|Source: PILZ/PILZ

Whether on the assembly line or on the machine, the safety rope pull switch is a proven and reliable solution for triggering an emergency stop function from any point on the pull rope to shut down dangerous work processes. Pilz's rope pull switch PSENrope with rope lengths of up to 75 metres is suitable for safety in larger areas.
Pilz: New rope pull switch - Mini model is more economical

If the area to be protected is relatively small, then the use of PSENrope is a bit of an overkill. Is there a solution that is better suited for some smaller applications?

That's where the PSENrope Mini comes in. PSENrope mini provides safety for conveyor belts or systems by combining two different devices (E-STOP triggered by a pull cord and an E-STOP button integrated into the element) in a compact design in metal or plastic, which is particularly suitable for confined spaces and is robust.

The difference between PSENrope mini and PSENrope

The PSENrope mini is a particularly compact and cost-effective rope switch with a rope length of 30 meters, which is suitable for relatively small applications, as it does not have the quick adjustment function and the rope tension display function that PSENrope has in its compact design.

PSENrope mini has its own advantages in terms of the way it is installed. While PSENrope is only available in a straight version, PSENrope mini is available in both straight and angled versions (left or right) and, thanks to its smaller size, it is more flexible and easy to install in all assembly situations. In addition, the pushbuttons of the PSENrope mini are available with two functions: emergency stop or reset, while the pushbutton function of PSENrope is only emergency stop.

The advent of PSENrope mini makes the user more flexible in the choice of safety rope switches, and can choose the most suitable products according to the on-site environment and use needs.

"Structural Anatomy of PSENrope mini"

The safety rope pull switch PSENrope mini consists of a safety rope pull switch, a red rope and a support point.

1. Emergency stop/reset button

Emergency stop button: The emergency stop button is directly on the device, and the emergency stop can be realized directly on the switch

Reset button: In the case of concealed installation, the presence of an emergency stop on the unit is not allowed, we provide a device with a reset button "only".

2. Rope head type

There are 3 types to choose from: straight head, right elbow head, left elbow head

3. Multi-contact type configuration

Up to 4 contacts are used to monitor the emergency shutdown function. The contact configuration includes 2 NO and 2 NC

4. The M20 cable entry hole is connected from the lower end

5. Enclosure type

Plastics, metals

The pulling device of the safety rope pull switch is connected to a wire rope, and pulling the rope can trigger the emergency stop function. The rope traction system has an integrated spring preload that triggers the lockout and emergency stop functions immediately in the event of a rope break or a loose rope is untied. After triggering, the safety contacts remain locked. After eliminating the hazardous situation and checking the entire machine rope length, the system can be manually reset to an operation-ready state. If necessary, the rope section can also be retightened during operation by adjusting the screws/screws.

The emergency stop button can also be pressed in hazardous situations, the safety contacts open in the same way as the pull cord, and the switch locks in place. After a dangerous situation has passed, the system can be manually reset to an operation-ready state by pulling up the emergency stop button.

The pull cord activates the switch lock, and when the safety contact is open, the switch can be reset to an operation-ready state by pulling up the release button.

The "secret" of the selection of the PSENrope mini

Do you know? We can "read" relevant information about this product from the model number of the safety rope pull switch.

We use the model PSEN rsm 1.0-300-0-0-0 to illustrate this.

PSEN rsm 1.0-300-0-0-0, PSEN rsm means that this product belongs to the mini series of safety rope switches in Peel magnetic sensors.

PSEN rsm 1.0-300-0-0-0, 1 means that the housing material is metal, and if 2 means that the housing material is plastic.

PSEN rsm 1.0-300-0-0-0, 0 means that the contact is 2 NO and 2 NC, 1 means that the contact is 1 NO and 1 NORMALLY, 2 means that the contact is 2 NORMALLY closed, and 3 means that the contact is 1 NO and 3 NORMALLY closed.

PSEN rsm 1.0-300-0-0-0,300 indicates the maximum spring force of the rope tension.

PSEN rsm 1.0-300-0-0-0, 0 for emergency stop button and 1 for release button.

PSEN rsm 1.0-300-0-0-0, 0 indicates that the head pull direction is vertical, 1 means that the head pull direction is vertical to the right, and 2 means that the head pull direction is vertical to the left.

PSEN rsm 1.0-300-0-0-0,0 means that the connection is M20.

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