Concept: It refers to the ratio of the change of output △y to the change of input △x in the case of steady-state operation of the sensor, that is, the ratio of the dimension of output and input.
Sensor sensitivity is the slope of the output-input characteristic curve. If there is a linear relationship between the output and input of the sensor, the sensitivity S is a constant. Otherwise, it will change with the change in the input quantity. When the output and input dimensions of the sensor are the same, the sensitivity can be understood as the magnification. Improved sensitivity, high measurement accuracy can be obtained. However, the higher the sensitivity, the narrower the measurement scale, and the worse the stability.
Concept: Refers to the ability of the sensor to perceive the smallest changes to be measured. That is, if the input changes slowly from a non-zero value. When the input change value does not exceed a certain value, the output of the sensor will not change, that is, the sensor cannot distinguish the change of this input. The output is changed only when the input changes beyond the resolution.
Resolution is usually understood as the A/D conversion accuracy or the smallest perceivable change, and accuracy usually refers to a combination of factors such as A/D, sensing circuits, and other factors, and the percentage of error divided by the display. The digital appearance is usually determined by the fact that the bit accuracy of the A/D converter is the maximum percentage error of the sensor to repeatedly measure the same gauge value, and the target resolution of the calibration to measure the accuracy is several times better than the accuracy. There is a negative correlation between resolution and sensor stability.
Concept: refers to the ratio of the value to the range of the positive and negative three times the gauge difference near the true value, and refers to the maximum difference between the measured value and the true value; Resolution - refers to the minimum measurement value that causes the change of the indication value; It should be separated from the sensitivity factor (sensitivity factor - the ratio of output to input).
The accuracy of the general domestic temperature sensor is divided into two levels: A and B, and the national standard rules are as follows: according to the difference between the output value of the sensor and the true value of the measured temperature, Class A: not greater than ± (0.15 °C + 0.002 * sensor range); Class B: not more than ± (0.30°C+0.005*sensor range). Therefore, if high measurement accuracy is required, a sensor with a smaller range should be selected. Resolution, "usually determined by the number of bits of the A/D converter", or by looking at the last bit of its output value.
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