Problems can arise when pressure sensors are stored or installed when exposed to manufacturing conditions that exceed the limits of the supplier's rules. Here are six factors worth noting:
1. Temperature
Excessive temperature is one of the common causes of many problems with pressure sensors, as many of the components of the pressure sensor can only function properly within the regular temperature range. During installation, sensors that are exposed to temperatures outside of these temperature ranges can be negatively impacted.
For example, if a pressure sensor is installed on a steam line close to where steam is generated, the dynamic function is affected. The correct and simple solution is to move the sensor away from the steam line.
2. Voltage spikes
Voltage spikes are voltage transients that exist for a short period of time. Although this high-energy surge voltage lasts only a few milliseconds, it can still cause damage to the sensor. Unless the source of the voltage spike is very significant, such as from lightning, it is extremely difficult to detect. It is important for OEM engineers to be aware of the potential risk of failure throughout the manufacturing environment and around it. Timely communication with us can help identify and eliminate such issues.
3. Fluorescent illumination
Fluorescent lamps require a high-pressure arc to break down argon and mercury when they are activated, and then the mercury is heated into a gaseous state. This voltage spike can pose a potential risk to the pressure sensor. In addition, the magnetic field generated by fluorescent illumination may induce a voltage to act on the sensor wires, causing the control system to mistake it for a practical output signal. Therefore, the sensor should not be placed under or adjacent to a fluorescent illuminator.
Pressure sensors are used to convert pressure into an electrical signal and are therefore susceptible to electromagnetic radiation or electrical disturbances. While sensor manufacturers have made every effort to ensure that their sensors are protected from external disturbances, there are specific sensor plans that should reduce or prevent the effects of EMI/RFI (electromagnetic turbulence/radio frequency turbulence).
Other sources of EMI/RFI to protect against include contactors, power lines, computers, walkie-talkies, cell phones, and large machinery that can change the magnetic field. The most common ways to reduce EMI/RFI turbulence are shielding, filtering, and suppression. For the right precautions, you can consult us.
5. Shock and oscillation
Shocks and oscillations can cause a variety of problems, such as dented housings, broken wires, circuit board cracks, signal faults, intermittent glitches, and shortened lifespans. To prevent shocks and oscillations during installation, OEMs need to consider this potential problem in their planners and then take steps to eliminate it.
The simplest way to do this is to install the sensor at a distance as far as possible from the source of significant shocks and oscillations. Another possible solution is to use a vibroflotation isolator, depending on the installation method.
6. Overvoltage
Whether at their own manufacturing site or at the end user, care should be taken to prevent overvoltage once the OEM has finished assembling the machine. There are many causes of overpressure, including water hammer effect, accidental heating of the system, regulator problems, and more.
If the pressure value occasionally reaches the upper limit, the pressure sensor can withstand it and will recover from the original condition. However, when the pressure value reaches the burst pressure, this can cause the sensor diaphragm or housing to burst, which can then cause a leak. Pressure values between the upper limit of the withstand voltage and the rupture pressure may result in permanent deformation of the diaphragm, which can then cause output drift.
To prevent overvoltage, it is necessary for the OEM engineer to understand the dynamic capabilities of the system as well as the limits of the sensor. When planning, they need to understand the interrelationships between system components such as pumps, control valves, balancing valves, check valves, pressure switches, motors, compressors, storage tanks, etc.
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