Estun Automation Ranked on the "2020 List of China's Most Innovative Enterprises"

Create Date: 2024-8-30 12:03:23|Source: Eston/ESTUN

On June 22, 2020, Forbes China released the "2020 China's Most Innovative Enterprises List", which covers 50 innovative companies in 12 fields.
                                  Estun Automation Ranked on the "2020 List of China's Most Innovative Enterprises"
With the technological innovation of a new generation of industrial robots and the whole industrial chain model of robots, Estun Automation has been on the list of the most innovative enterprises in the field of robots in China. In the same period, there are service robots and artificial intelligence technology companies such as DJI, iFLYTEK and Roborock.

Forbes China pointed out that under the general trend of new infrastructure and 5G development, the competition in the innovation track will become more intense. In the future, the hard science and technology forces that will lead social change are strategic emerging industries represented by semiconductors, artificial intelligence, aerospace, biotechnology, optoelectronic chips, information technology, new materials, new energy, and intelligent manufacturing. Basic electronics, basic equipment, new materials and new medicine are undoubtedly the hotbeds for cultivating emerging "hard technology" enterprises.

Enterprises have the attributes of hard technology, and at the same time, they must have innovative technologies and an ecosystem built around products. Forbes China pointed out: "The companies on the China Innovation List have obvious commonalities, and they are all focusing on reshaping the industry's service model, improving service efficiency, and reducing service costs. ”

In 2020, Estun Robotics will launch a new generation of robots, relying on the system-level forward R&D platform to upgrade the speed, accuracy, vibration suppression, and safety of the robot. The new generation of industrial robots has a more comprehensive product line, and has a wide range of application space in 3C electronics, food packaging, semiconductors and other fields.

Lay out the industrial Internet and accelerate intelligent and digital development

In the 5G, artificial intelligence, and industrial Internet tracks, Estun has carried out advanced layouts. Estun Cloud industrial cloud platform provides a complete set of information solutions for digital factories, with excellent performance in remote monitoring, remote diagnosis, and intelligent learning.

Estun Robot constitutes a complete robot industry ecological chain, with core components in the field of robot control system, servo system, robot body manufacturing, and Estun takes the lead in realizing more than 90% of independent R&D and production.

Customized robots for subdivided industries, and have achieved international leading level in many industries, covering sheet metal, woodworking, photovoltaic, die-casting, intelligent packaging and other fields. The product performance and quality have been recognized by users at home and abroad.

Focusing on the core technology of robots, customizing the robot application market, and at the same time laying out overseas, Estun has built an ecological chain of robot industry with technology research and development, product innovation, industrial cooperation, and global collaboration.

Listed on the 2020 Forbes China Most Innovative List shows that Estun, as a leading brand in China's equipment manufacturing industry, has maintained a rapid and upward development momentum, and I believe that in the near future, Estun will bring you more surprises in the field of robotics in China and even the world!

Forbes China's Most Innovative List is a collaboration between Forbes China and Analysys, focusing on China's leading brands in various industries, through the analysis of the development status, competition, and development trends in different fields, tailoring their unique evaluation systems and standards for this field, and selecting innovative and growing companies in each field.

The Forbes China Most Innovative List is a full affirmation of Estun Automation's strength in business model, enterprise R&D investment, core independent intellectual property rights, transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and its own growth.

Estun Automation will continue to adhere to the development concept of "focus, integrity and common growth", and strive to move forward for China's robot industry to a higher level!

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