The inverter has a function – a Delta inverter

Create Date: 2024-8-30 12:03:23|Source: Delta/Delta

1. Soft start is energy-saving

The hard start of the motor will cause a serious impact on the power grid, and it will also require too high the capacity of the power grid, and the large current generated when the motor is started and the sensation will cause great damage to the baffle and valve, and the service life of the equipment and pipeline will be extremely unlucky. After the use of frequency conversion energy-saving device, the use of the soft engine function of the frequency converter will make the starting current from zero, and the maximum value will not exceed the rated current, which reduces the impact on the power grid and the requirements for power supply capacity, and prolongs the service life of equipment and valves. The maintenance cost of the equipment is saved.

At the beginning of the birth of the inverter, it is for the most widely used three-phase asynchronous squirrel cage motor to do, the speed formula of the three-phase asynchronous motor is n=60f(1-s)/p, after changing the input frequency of the motor, and then changing the speed of the motor is the most complete and convenient and reliable method. The instantaneous current of the direct start of the motor is 6-8 times of the normal and stable operation, and the step-down start is 4-5 times, and the frequency conversion speed regulation will not exceed 1.5 times the rated current of the inverter, whether it is the impact on the power grid, or the habit of the equipment, its advantages are obvious.

                               The inverter has a function – a Delta inverter

2. Stepless speed regulation

Stepless speed regulation, is no grade and no step speed regulation, from zero speed start to speed, and from speed to zero speed, in one go, the speed curve is continuous, smooth and stable, greatly accustomed to load inertia, improve the habit ability of multiple mechanical equipment between each other, improve the production power, greatly reduce mechanical friction, oscillation and noise, prolong the life of the equipment, and reduce the maintenance cost. The output frequency of ordinary inverters is about 0.00Hz-400.00Hz, the frequency resolution is 0.01Hz, some reach 650.00Hz, and the output of high-frequency inverters can reach 5000Hz, which has completely covered all scales of industrial speed regulation.

Before the birth of the inverter, we now have many mechanical speed regulation methods, which can be seen everywhere in our daily life, such as large and thin gears, belts, reducers, etc., and these speed regulation methods can only output a fixed proportion of speed each time, and it is not so simple to change the speed frequently, of course, there is also the method of slip motor, but after all, the scale of application is limited, and the maintenance and cost are higher. With the emergence of core components such as transistors and microprocessor chips, major breakthroughs have been made in promoting stepless speed regulation skills. The birth of the inverter is the result of adapting to the needs of the industrial automation level and several related industrial developments.

3. Frequency conversion and energy saving

In order to ensure the reliability of production, all kinds of production machinery have a certain surplus when planning to use power drive. When the motor cannot run at full load, in addition to reaching the power drive requirements, the excess torque adds the consumption of active power, resulting in a waste of electric energy. The traditional speed regulation method of fans, pumps and other equipment is to adjust the air volume and water supply through the baffle plate and valve opening of the inlet or outlet, and the input power is large, and a large amount of energy is consumed in the interception process of the baffle and valve. When using frequency conversion speed regulation, if the flow requirement is reduced, the speed through the descending pump or fan can meet the requirements. For example, the power of a centrifugal pump motor is 55 kilowatts, when the speed drops to 4/5 of the original speed, its power consumption is 28.16 kilowatts, saving 48.8%, and when the speed drops to l/2 of the original speed, its power consumption is 6.875 kilowatts, saving 87.5%.

The energy-saving function of the inverter has been widely used in various industrial and civil production and life, especially when the inverter is used for square torque loads, such as fans, fans, pumps, and propeller loads, which is determined by the torque curve of such loads. At low speed, because the flow velocity of the fluid is low, the load torque is small, and with the increase of the motor speed, the flow rate increases, and the load torque and power are also increasing.

Fourth, equipment and self-maintenance function

As we all know, in the actual equipment operation process, there are often a variety of factors leading to a variety of faults and equipment damage, if you can carry out intelligent detection, and active alarm and maintenance, it will be very necessary, such as undervoltage, overvoltage, lightning strike, overload, load stall, temperature is too high, communication problems, electromagnetic interference, power supply phase loss, motor phase loss, load short circuit, ground short circuit, etc., some problems are fatal, once they appear, the consequences are unimaginable.

In the process of R&D of the inverter, the inverter is mainly for the safety of the internal components of the inverter, and multiple detection and maintenance are added, such as the promised maximum current of the inverter module will generally not exceed 2 times of the rated rate, the temperature of the electrolytic capacitor is 85 °C, electromagnetic compatibility planning, etc., coupled with the detection and response of the load side (such as motor temperature detection and maintenance, instantaneous power failure without downtime, etc.), making today's inverter highly intelligent, not only to maintain its own safety and normal operation, It also greatly maintains the safe operation of the front and rear equipment.

5. Power factor compensation and energy saving

Reactive power not only adds line loss and heating of equipment, but also the decline of power factor leads to the decline of active power of the power grid, and a large amount of reactive power consumption is spent in the line, and the power of equipment is low and the waste is serious.

After using the frequency conversion speed regulation device, because of the effect of the internal filter capacitor of the frequency converter, the reactive power loss is reduced and the active power of the power grid is added.

Sixth, the automatic control function

At present, the control function of the inverter is now very complete, and it can be well matched with other control equipment and instruments to realize the centralized real-time supervision and control of systematic networking, such as with DCS, PLC, sensors, HMI, CNC, host computer, servo drive, etc., which greatly improves the degree of automation of the production line, saves manpower and material resources, improves power, and reduces cost. For example, the inverter can have a variety of frequency given methods, such as digital setting, potentiometer, external analog (0-10V, 4-20mA), multi-stage speed, PID and other methods, can be equipped with a variety of controllers, frequency instructions of response signals, long-distance/local control switching, convenient for a variety of control needs of users, and some companies have continuously launched a variety of professional special aircraft, for some subdivided professional users to carry out personalized customized development, integrated development, for users to save the trouble of selection system compatibility, saving money.

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