Advantech unveils an edge AI inference system based on the NVIDIA® Jetson AGX Orin™ platform

Create Date: 2024-8-30 12:03:23|Source: Advantech/Advantech

Advantech recently announced an edge AI inference system based on the NVIDIA® Jetson AGX Orin™ platform to meet the needs of high-performance edge AI applications under current AI and 5G technologies to help customers accelerate the development and deployment of AI and robotics.
Advantech unveils an edge AI inference system based on the NVIDIA® Jetson AGX Orin™ platform
  NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin platform

Powering high-performance edge AI applications

The MIC-733-AO delivers exceptional computing power, with Jetson Orin's 32GB module delivering up to 200 TOPS of computing power compared to the previous generation, delivering up to 6x faster performance while maintaining the same size. It supports flexible and diverse video input interfaces and wireless communication, which is very suitable for robot deployment, such as AMR/AGV applications, and helps future smart transportation and smart cities.


● Ultra-high computing power, 32GB version module computing power up to 200 TOPS;

● Fanless compact design, can support a wide temperature range of -10 - 60 °C, can adapt to the outdoor harsh environment;

● Flexible expansion slots and multiple I/O, including 4 x USB 3.2, 2 x Mini-PCIe, 2 x M.2;

● iDoor and iModule extensions are also available, and a variety of peripherals are supported. Customizable I/O modules can be made via Mini PCIe and full PCIe interfaces, including using/modifying CANBus controllers, Cameralink frame grabbers or PoE modules for IP cameras.
Advantech unveils an edge AI inference system based on the NVIDIA® Jetson AGX Orin™ platform
Advantech unveils an edge AI inference system based on the NVIDIA® Jetson AGX Orin™ platform

NVIDIA's Jetson AGX Orin has powerful computing power to accelerate the entire AI software stack, with up to 4x more CUDA cores and 8x more 64GB modules than the previous Jetson AGX Xavier. It supports multiple sensor fusions and is equipped with the latest high-speed interfaces to deliver data streams to multiple AI applications, allowing developers to deploy larger, more complex models.
Advantech unveils an edge AI inference system based on the NVIDIA® Jetson AGX Orin™ platform
  Supports a variety of video inputs

Image analysis is the main scenario for edge AI applications, however, due to the multiple formats of current video devices, it brings great challenges to the integrated development of edge AI. In order to achieve a high level of integration of image AI computing, the MIC-733-AO supports a variety of video input formats, including GMSL, USB and PoE. By inserting a GMSL frame grabber, it supports 2 x GMSL2 cameras and is equipped with 4 x USB 3.2 Gen2 (10Gbit/s) for connecting USB cameras with high data transfer.

With the iModule extension, the MIC-733-AO can support 12 x USB 3.2 Gen2, 8 x GbE PoE or 10 x GMSL2 cameras. In order to deploy AI imaging solutions at the edge, the MIC-733-AO provides up to 60W of power to the cameras through 4 PoE ports (upgradable from 4 LANs) to help customers integrate multiple cameras. Customers can choose between 4 x 15W/port or 2 x 30W/port.

Support 5G, 4G and WiFi wireless transmission

In addition, with the large-scale deployment of AI in different scenarios, developers need more flexible wireless solutions. The MIC-733-AO retains the Mini PCIe extension to support 4G/Wi-Fi modules for mobile communications. In addition, with the growing demand for 5G communications, the MIC-733-AO has an M.2 3052 interface specifically for 5G communication connectivity.

Support OTA and OOB remote management

The MIC-733-AO is designed to help developers deploy high-performance AI applications at the edge, keeping data secure during implementation. Advantech has partnered with Allxon to provide round-the-clock remote management services on NVIDIA's Jetson edge AI and robotics platform, enabling large-scale deployment and device management via over-the-air (OTA) and out-of-band data transfer (OOB). The MIC-733-AO is also certified for Azure IoT by Microsoft, enabling early detection of operating system and application threats to devices.
Advantech unveils an edge AI inference system based on the NVIDIA® Jetson AGX Orin™ platform
  Advantech's full range of NVIDIA products

The MIC-733-AO products help customers meet challenges in a wide range of industries, from manufacturing, retail, and construction to agriculture, logistics, healthcare, smart cities, and last-mile delivery.

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