Rosemount/Rosemount Hygienic Flow-Through Toroidal Conductivity Sensor 245

Create Date: 2024-8-30 12:03:23|Source: Rosemount/Rosemount

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    Hygienic flow-through toroidal conductivity sensor 245
    Product Introduction
    The Rosemount/Rosemount Hygienic Flow-Through Ring Conductivity Sensor 245 is non-clogging and is suitable for liquids containing large amounts of suspended solids
Product Description
Introduction: The Rosemount/Rosemount Hygienic Flow-Through Toroidal Conductivity Sensor 245 is a non-intrusive flow design that can be installed in-tube without blocking the sample flow path. These sensors are suitable for viscous, abrasive or fibrous liquids and are designed for use in the pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical, and food and beverage industries.
Rosemount/Rosemount Hygienic Flow-Through Toroidal Conductivity Sensor 245


Reliable measured values – insensitive to process flow and direction

No parts reach into the sample stream, preventing solids build-up

Choose from 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2" Tri Clamp connectors

The gasket and O-ring meet FDA and USP Class VI requirements

It is not easy to clog and is suitable for liquids containing large amounts of suspended solids

The all-in-one junction box simplifies the wiring process

Product parameters

Ambient Temperature:

Minimum temperature: 32°F (0°C)

Maximum Temperature: 250°F (121°C) Duration: 266°F (130°C) 45 minutes in steam

Weight: 9lb (4.5kg)

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This article introduces the Rosemount/Rosemount Hygienic Flow Loop Conductivity Sensor 245 product, if you are interested in Rosemount/Rosemount temperature transmitter, please also contact our customer service, we look forward to your call, hope our technology and service can bring you a better experience.
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