
创建日期:2024-8-30 12:03:23 |来源: Lenze/Lenz




OC5故障应该是我们在8220/8240系列变频器中经常遇到的故障现象。OC5就是变频器的过载,过载的检测一般都是通过霍尔传感器来完成的,它检测UV两相的电流,然后通过两个输入端或者门极COMOS电路来判断变频器是否过载。 OC5的故障点一般是传感器损坏和门电路损坏引起的,霍尔传感器容易受环境影响,出现工作点漂移,门电路经常会因为工作电压和输入信号的影响而损坏。更换一个损坏的器件应该可以排除此类故障。


输出缺相也是我们经常遇到的故障之一。我们都知道在缺相的状态下是无法拖动三相交流异步电机的,在拖动电机的情况下会出现过流报警,而且断开电机后测量3相输出电压,3相输出电压往往是相对不同的,此时首先要检查功率模块是否损坏,驱动波形是否正常。在LENZE 8240系列变频器中,经常会遇到驱动电路没有电压的现象。 8240系列变频器与其他变频器的区别在于驱动电源不是由开关电源直接供电的,驱动电路和开关电源之间有隔离。所以我们还要检查隔离变压器是否有问题。排除上述故障要确定给驱动电路供电是否正常。04




散热器分离散热技术也是LENNZE变频器的一大卖点,我们都知道常规变频器都有散热风扇来散热,但是在某些场合散热风扇的使用往往会成为变频器常见的故障点。这种现象主要常见于纺织厂,纺织厂空气中的棉絮、化纤等往往会堵塞风扇,引起变频器故障报警。 LENZE变频器的散热器分离散热技术解决了这个问题。但是我们也会遇到使用一段时间后无法承受重负载的客户,从我们的经验分析,也可能是变频器的散热问题导致的,由于散热不足,元器件更容易老化,损耗也比较快。这种情况,更换老化的器件就可以解决问题。


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这是司机,这是传感器 这是司机,这是传感器

At that time, topics such as conjectural maintenance and hypothetical models based on artificial intelligence (AI) attracted a lot of attention in the field of mechanical engineering design. However, many customers do not have a proper idea of what can be guessed, and are often only concerned with monitoring equipment and processes. Therefore, Lun ...

Lenze 9400HL 用于薄膜拉伸线的卷绕 Lenze 9400HL in the winding of a film drawing line

1 Introduction The biaxially oriented film production line is a large-scale complete set of equipment in the production machinery of plastic products. This kind of equipment relied on imports in the early days of China. With the rapid development of domestic industrial automation, domestic enterprises have developed an annual output of 6000 tons, with a film thickness of 12 to 70 ...

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With the innovation of technology, the molding equipment is constantly updated, the traditional hydraulic blister machine has been unable to meet the needs of the market, the servo system with a higher degree of automation is gradually taking over, and the continuous development of thermoforming technology makes its application field more and more extensive.

伦茨出席九机所2021年度供应商合作伙伴大会 Lenze attended the 2021 Supplier Partner Conference of the Ninth Institute of Machinery

On April 28, 2021, the 2021 Supplier Companion Conference of the Ninth Planning and Research Institute of Machinery Industry Co., Ltd. with the theme of "Building the Future Together" was held in Changchun New Century Grand Hotel. Liu Shixin, Director, General Manager and Secretary of the Party Committee of the Ninth Hospital, Yang Yumin, Director and Deputy General Manager, ...

Lenze自动化系统在游乐设施中的应用 Application of Lenze automation system in amusement rides

1 Introduction In various theme parks or tourist attractions, immersive experiential amusement equipment has become sought after by tourists, through real scenes or 3D movies, etc., with the movement of smart cars or platforms, virtual and real interaction, allowing tourists to shuttle in ancient adventures, disaster escapes and other thrilling ...

Lenze热成型机的总解决方案 Lenze total solutions for thermoforming machines

1 Introduction With the innovation of technology and the continuous upgrading of molding equipment, the traditional hydraulic blister machine can no longer meet the needs of the market, and the servo system with a higher degree of automation is gradually replacing it. Under the fierce market competition, by improving the degree of automation of machinery and equipment, ...

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Project Name: High Speed Diaper Machine Project implementation time: November 2011 Applications: Adult paper products industry Project Introduction: The project uses Lenze's high-end 3200 motion controller, which takes full advantage of the integrated Ethernet and EtherCAT high-speed motion bus. At the same time, you can ...

在天气雷达上的940申请 Applications of 940 on weather radar

Weather radar is a radar dedicated to atmospheric detection, mainly used for short-term weather forecasting and extreme weather warnings (such as typhoon and heavy rain warnings). The successful convening of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games was due to the contribution of weather radar. One of them is equipped with a Lenze 940 servo drive and a Lenze servo motor ...

CeMAT&PTC展会预告 | 伦茨邀您共赴智慧物流盛宴,解锁蓝色自动化魅力 CeMAT&PTC Exhibition Preview | Lenze invites you to the feast of smart logistics and unlocks the charm of blue automation

Whether in the Chinese market or around the world, the wave of digitalization and intelligence is rolling forward. Opportunities and challenges coexist, the growing scale of the logistics industry and the demand for transportation have further upgraded the logistics equipment technology, such as the logistics that we spawned during the epidemic prevention and control period in the past.

伺服技术使空气过滤器的产量提高70%。 Servo technology increases the output of air filters by 70%.

This is a success story for Lenze Lenz in Germany. The Keilmann Group in Frankfurt, Germany, selected Lenze servo controllers for the production of their new generation of air filters, achieving a 70% higher output than the previous inverter drive system. This new type of production ...

Lenze在全自动装箱机上的应用 The application of Lenze in a fully automatic case packer

1 Introduction to the device According to statistics from relevant agencies, the global demand for packaging machinery, including case packers, is growing at an annual rate of 5.3%. About one-third of the packaging machinery (including case packers) in the global market comes from Germany, ranking first in the world, followed by United States, Japan and Italy.

Lenze 和 Lissec 携手迈向智能工厂 Lenze and Lissec The joint road to the smart factory

For more than 60 years, LISAICK has been developing and manufacturing glass cutting and sorting systems, individual components, complete lines for thermal insulation and laminated glass, as well as glass edge processing equipment and quenching systems. From simple hand-held devices to spacers and sealers ...

小身材,大智慧:Lenze c300 控制器 Small man, big smart: Lenze c300 controller

Remember the c300, the smallest member of the Lenze controller family? The C300 has always existed as a single logic controller, and now it has another interesting feature, let's take a look. C300 at a glance The c300 is based on the ARM chip, which has ultra-low power consumption, and integrates ...

德国驻华商会上海代表走进Lenz The representative of the German Chamber of Commerce in China in Shanghai walked into Lenz

On the afternoon of May 10th, representatives of the German Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai visited Lenz. Mr. Xie Weidong, President of Lenze Group Asia, and Ms. Wang Xuejing, Director of Strategic Marketing Department of Lenze, received Dr. Constanze Wang, Senior Director of Government Business of the German Chamber of Commerce, and Daisy Zhu, Regional Manager of the German Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai.

Lenze 总装车间分散式驱动的集成解决方案 Integrated solution for decentralised drives in the Lenze final assembly hall


CIBF完美落幕,伦茨解决方案助力电池制造品质与效率提升 CIBF完美落幕,伦茨解决方案助力电池制造品质与效率提升

2023年5月18日,CIBF 2023在深圳国际会展中心圆满落下帷幕,与此同时,伦茨首次CIBF之行也圆满结束。本次展会,伦茨展台的“电池塔”演示设备成为全场焦点,动态展示……

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批发和零售、时尚、食品和饮料等不同行业对仓库自动化的要求不同,增强系统性能、缩短调试时间和降低能耗是新一代高架仓库巷道堆垛机 (SRU) 面临的关键挑战。Lenze 为现代 S 提供的运动控制平台...

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