Advantech Data Acquisition Module and Control Card ADAM-5000 Series Model Description

Create Date: 2024-8-30 12:03:23|Source: Advantech/Advantech

In the previous article, we have introduced to you Advantech data acquisition cards, acquisition modules and control cards, etc., commonly used models and brief introductions, today we will talk about the Advantech data acquisition module ADAM-5000 series, I hope today's content can make you gain.

1. Overview of ADAM-5000 series

The ADAM-5000 series is a data acquisition and control system capable of controlling, monitoring and acquiring data through a multi-channel I/0 module in a rugged industrial-grade plastic enclosure that provides intelligent signal conditioning, analog I/0, digital I/0, RS-232 and RS-485 communications. The ADAM-5000/485 has 4 slots and supports 4 I/0 modules: The ADAM-5000E supports 8 slots and 8 I/0 modules. The system communicates with the host computer through a multi-point RS-485 network.

The ADAM-5000 series consists of two main parts: the system itself and the I/0 module.

The system itself includes a power board, a CPU board, a 4-slot/8-slot base, a 232 communication port, a pair of 485 communication ports, etc. The CPU is the core part of the system to complete the basic functions of the ADAM-5000 series.

The I/0 module supports DI/D0/AI/A0/Counter and so on.

The ADAM-5000 series can be configured and tested through the ADAM-4000-5000Utility, providing DLL libraries for users to program and invoke, and 0PC Server for integration with other software.
Advantech Data Acquisition Module and Control Card ADAM-5000 Series Model Description

2. ADAM-5000 series I/0 module

1. Analog input module
Analog input modules are used to convert voltage, current, thermocouple (TC), and resistance to heat (RTD) signals from sensors into digital quantities.

ADAM-50133 channel RTD RTD RTD input module

The ADAM-5013 can be connected to PT100 or Ni RTD

ADAM-5017/H8 channel analog input module

The ADAM-5017/H is a 16-bit 8-channel differential input module, and the channel input range can be programmable. Input ranges include: mV (± 150 mV, ± 500 mV), V (± 1V, ± 5V, ± 10V) and current input (± 20 mA, 250Q resistor required). The 5017/H provides 3000Vdc opto-isolated input protection. The ADAM-5017H acquisition speed can reach 8000 samples/second (maximum) in the ADAM-5510SERIES.

ADAM-50187 Channel Thermocouple Input Module

The ADAM-5018 is a 16-bit 7-channel thermocouple input module, and the input range of all channels can be programmized. The input range includes: mV

(Tax15mV, Taxis 50mV, Taxis 100mV, Taxis 500m/), V (Taxis 1V, Taxis 2.5V), Current Input (Tax: 20mA, 2509 thermocouple required) and thermocouple input (J, K, T, E, R, S, B). The last terminal block of the module is connected to the CJC circuit.

2. Analog output module
ADAM-50244 channel analog output module

The ADAM-5024 is a 4-channel analog output module that converts digital signals into analog signals. The slope and start-up current can be customized through the configuration software, and the output can be configured as current or voltage.

3. Digital output/input module
ADAM-505016 channel universal digital output/input module

The 5050 has 16 digital input/output channels, each of which can be configured as an input or output via a DIP switch. The digital output is an open-collector output that can be used to control solid-state relays (SSRs) to control heaters, pumps, and power equipment; Digital inputs can be used to monitor signals such as limits, safety switches, etc.

Note: Forcing an input signal to be received when a channel that has been set as an output will damage the channel. ADAM-5051/5051D/5051S16 channel digital input module

ADAM-50528 channel isolated digital input

The 5052 provides 8 fully isolated digital input channels. All channels are isolated at 5000Vrms to prevent interference from ground circulation currents and power surges.

The ADAM-5055S provides 8 channels of fully isolated digital I/O channels with LED displays. All channels are isolated at 2500Vrms to prevent interference from ground circulation and power surges, and LED displays provide a clear view of the input and output status.

The ADAM-5056/5056D/5056S/5056S016 channel digital output mode fast/LED display 5056 provides 16 output channels, the digital output is an open collector output, which can be used by the user to switch the solid state relay (SSR).

4. The relay output mold is fast
The ADAM 5060/50686/8 Relay Output Mode Fast ADAM-5060 provides 6 relay output channels, two of which are type A and four are type C.

The ADAM-5068 provides 8 relay output channels and 8 type A relays

5. Counter module
ADAM-5080 Counter/Frequency Counter Module

The above is what we talked about today, about Advantech's data acquisition module and control card ADAM-5000 series model manual, I don't know if you understand it, this article also has ADAM-5000 hardware connection and ADAM-5000 software programming did not talk, if you still don't understand anything, you can contact our 76 technology official website customer service, we have a detailed PDF document manual can be sent to you for reference.
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