Founded in 1928, NACHI Fujikoshi has been engaged in the development of mechanical technology and machine manufacturing since its founding. With its head office in Toyama, Japan, production bases in North America, South America, Europe, and Asia, and a worldwide representative office and sales network, we can quickly and accurately grasp market trends and meet the needs of our customers. Contribute to the development of the manufacturing industry. NACHI is a world leader in the development of multi-axis robots for industrial applications. The products are suitable for various industries, providing customers with robots for various purposes such as automotive body-in-white welding, various workpiece handling, oversized heavy object handling, gluing, parts assembly, deburring and other purposes. Japan's Fujikoshi launches the Presto MC20 6-axis vertical articulated robot. It uses the same base as the Presto MR20, a 7-axis robot released in November 2007. Its installation width is 280mm, which is 40% smaller than the previous model, and the radius of action is 1722mm, which is 10% longer. It is priced at 4.3 million yen. It is important to note that the robot's movements are controlled by the same controller as the welding torch operation. Unlike the previous robot, where the robot and welding torch were controlled separately by different controllers, the new robot only sends commands through a single controller. As a result, the robot can be fully synchronized with the start time of the welding gun, which shortens the spot welding cycle. This is a result of increased CPU performance. The CPU used is "Pentium III" of Intel Corporation of United States, working at 500MHz. The operating system adopts the "Windows NT" of Microsoft Corporation of United States and the real-time operating system. The details of the real-time operating system are currently unknown. |
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