E+H/Endershaus Bar Protective Sleeve TA572

Create Date: 2024-8-30 12:03:23|Source: E+H/Endershouse

Product Description
Introduction: E+H/Endershaus Bar Protective Sleeve TA572, because of the harsh process conditions, the strength of the protective sleeve must be calculated precisely. Dye penetration testing, ultrasonic testing, helium leak testing, pressure durability testing, and a variety of non-destructive material tests to prove the quality of materials and processes.
E+H/Endershaus Bar Protective Sleeve TA572


The sleeve extension diameter and insertion depth as well as the size of the sleeve can be selected according to the process requirements

A wide range of standard materials and process connections are available and can be customized to specification

Different grades of surface treatment are available

The process connection is socket welding. The casing is in a straight or tapered shape

Product parameters

Measuring principle

Rod thermowell


British standard

Solder-in process connections

Round extension tube

Top connection


  1/2" NPT

  1/2" NPSC

Maximum standard insertion depth

  900 mm (35,43")

The maximum insertion depth required

  5,000 mm (196.85")

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This article introduces the E+H/Endershaus Bar Protective Sleeve TA572 product, if you are interested in the sheath, please also contact our staff, we look forward to your call, hope our technology and service can bring you a better experience
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